Road Committee
The Road Committee meets at the Community Room of the Township Hall, 500 N. Hancock Street at 3:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of May, July, October and November. (NOTE: November 2023 meeting postponed until December 5th at 10:00AM)
The Township Road Committee was re-established in 2019 for the sole purpose of reviewing township road conditions and making annual recommendations to the Township Board for maintenance and improvement. In order to guide the Committee in its work, the Committee has adopted a set of goals and objectives which may be viewed here.
The Committee is comprised of five members appointed for two-year terms. Current members of the Road Committee are Pat Hooyman, Tim Cole, Tom Hicks, John Faas and Township Board representative Dean Holub. All members terms expire in March of 2023.
In November of 2020, voters in Pentwater Township approved a road millage of .5 mils for maintenance and improvement of roads in the Township. The following is a list of of road projects that have been approved and implemented since the millage went into effect. In addition to the subject improvement projects, the millage also supports dust control (brining) of all public gravel/earthen roads in the Township twice a year.
2023 Projects
* Lansing Avenue (Intersection of Lansing & BR 31) - $0
* Lake Breeze Drive (Ridge Road to end) - $118,200
* Intersection of 6th St/Madison Rd/Monroe Ave (Line of sight improvement)
Lansing Avenue Lansing Avenue2 Lake Breeze1 Lake Breeze2 6th St/Madison Rd/Monroe Ave Intersection
2022 Projects
* Madison Road (Village Limits to End) Asphalt Overlay - $76,000
* Montgomery Boulevard (Township Line to End) Partial Wedge, Chip Seal & Fog Coat - $41,000
Below are photographs of the above projects after improvement:
Madison Road - Looking West Madison Road - Looking East
Montgomery Boulevard_1 Montgomery Boulevard_2
2021 Projects
* Ridge Road (Longbridge Road to Lake MI Camp) Dura Patch, Chip Seal & Fog Coat - $25,000
* Hammett Road (Village Limits to Township Limits) Dura Patch, Chip Seal & Fog Coat - $18,000
* Lakeview Drive (Monroe Road to End) Chip Seal & Fog Coat - $15,000
* Lake Breeze Drive (Ridge Road to End) Rebuild w/Shoulders & Drainage - $72,000
Below are links to photographs for the 2021 Road Committee Projects.
Hammett Road - Looking east up the hill toward US 31 overpass Hammett Road - looking west from the village line to the east
Ridge Road - Looking South from Long Bridge Road Ridge Road - Looking North from Camp
Lakeview Drive - looking up the hill from Monroe Road
Lake Breeze1, Lake Breeze2